We do multidisciplinary project cooperation with working and business life. We improve wellbeing, competitiveness and training and develop new products, services and operating models to meet the needs of operators in our region.

GameON -hankkeen tekstilogo mustalla taustalla


The GameON project aims to help unemployed individuals and those outside the workforce, aged 16 to 54, find their way back to employment and improve their well-being through gaming. The project focus on strengthening participants’ digital skills, enhancing their social abilities, and assisting them in discovering new career paths.

Theme: gaining work skills and well-being through gaming

Duration: 1 April 2024 – 30 June 2026

Contact: Kimmo Pakarinen, tel. +358 44 785 6034, kimmo.pakarinen@savonia.fi

Tasapainoa työhön -hankkeen tekstilogo tummansinisellä taustalla, neliö.

Balance to work

We promote working-age professionals in early childhood education, care, cleaning and food service in the North Savo region, and we support the balance between work and free time, and we strive to prevent and reduce burnout at work.

Theme: promoting endurance at work and the balance between work and free time

Duration: 1 September 2023 – 28 February 2026

Contact: Merja Ala-Kotila, tel. +358 44 785 6057, merja.ala-kotila@savonia.fi

Näppäimistö ja sormi näppäimellä, jossa lukee englanniksi Continuous Learning eli jatkuva oppiminen.

Continuous learning as a part of everyday life in the social security industry

We promote the identification, recognition and making visible of skills acquired at work.

Theme: The growth of the competence of the personnel of the organizations and companies of the North Savo welfare region, which meets the challenges of the constantly changing operating environment and customer needs

Duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2025

Contact: Heli Kekäläinen, tel. +358 44 785 6446, heli.kekalainen@savonia.fi

Mieliteko-logo valkoinen keltaisella taustalla.

Together for Inclusion – Mieliteko 2.0

We promote the ability to act and work, inclusion and mental wellbeing of the individuals who are unemployed, non-working,or otherwise at a vulnerable position in Northern Savonia, aged 16 to 64.

Theme: promoting inclusion and mental wellbeing

Duration: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2027

Contact: Tanja Moilanen, tel. +358 44 785 6971, tanja.moilanen@savonia.fi

The Pathways to Community Adaptability in Elderly Work

Our goal is to build alternative paths for elderly care organizations to transition to community management.

Theme: developing community orientation in elderly work

Duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 August 2025

Contact: Satu Pirskanen, tel. + 358 44 785 6480, satu.pirskanen@savonia.fi

Measured and guided exercise service for the elderly respiratory and circulatory systems for those with diseases

We increase exercise and everyday activity in the long term, improve functional capacity and quality of life, and evaluate the effects of the intervention on the use of health services.

Theme: randomized and controlled exercise intervention for elderly people from Northern Savonia with diseases of the respiratory and/or circulatory system. Research project.

Duration: 1 September 2023 – 31 July 2026

Contact: Marja Äijö, tel. +358 44 785 6425, marja.aijo@savonia.fi

Cultural Diversity for Study Paths

We promote the application of groups underrepresented in higher education – for example, immigrants and Romani people – to higher education, as well as supporting attachment to the community in the Eastern Finland region.

Theme: multiculturalism and equality

Duration: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2026

Contact: Mirka Niskala, tel. +358 44 785 6972, mirka.niskala@savonia.fi


We increase information on issues affecting brain health and create new innovations to support aging and brain diseases.

Theme: brain health of the elderly

Duration: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2026

Contact: Antti Kotimaa, tel. +358 44 785 6449, antti.kotimaa@savonia.fi