Data protection means application of regulations regarding processing of personal data in organizations. The aim is to ensure that personal data is used in an appropriate manner and in conformity with good practices. Legislation governing data protection has changed. EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced on 24 May 2016 and adopted in all member states with effect from 25 May 2018 after a period of transition.   

The purpose of the data protection regulation is to increase openness and transparency of data processing as well as reinforce the rights of data subjects to control the processing of their personal data.

Data Protection Officer

Savonia has appointed a data protection officer in accordance with the general data protection regulation, who is responsible for monitoring the legality of personal data processing and for helping the University of Applied Sciences meet the data protection obligations. The data protection officer acts as a contact point of the controlling authority and supports the staff and data subjects in questions regarding processing of personal data.


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